6 Items to Consider Before You Wrap Your Vehicle

These are important considerations before you wrap your vehicle

Vehicle wrap installers all face the following from time to time when applying full or partial vehicle wraps.  Installers may take different approaches to address these items.  We strive to follow industry best-practices so we meet our #1 goal – customer satisfaction.  So, as you explore mobile marketing, review this article before you wrap your vehicle.


Before you wrap your vehicle understand overlapping seams


Seams occur when one panel is placed over the initial panel. 1/4”-1” seams are commonplace. Depicted is an acceptable seam.


PATCHING:Patching on a vehicle wrap ct
A common practice during application, sometimes a piece needs to be reprinted and patched back in. If a change is required after the proofing phase, G-Force Signs & Graphics will determine if a patch is needed to complete the wrap.


Deep recesses and cutlines on a vehicle wrap ctDEEP RECESSES & CUTLINES:
Deep recesses in body panels may create “bridging” in the vinyl, which can cause lifting or bubbles. This occurs when the vinyl material exceeds its pliability. In these cases, G-Force Signs & Graphics applies primer per industry standards, but cutting may also be necessary to release stress in deep creases as well as finishing with an edge sealant.


LIFTING:Before you wrap your vehicle understand lifting of material
Lifting can occur especially on door handles, window perfs, and non-adhering textured plastic parts. These areas are not warranted for repair. However, lifting that occurs on main body panels and other areas where it should not appear will be repaired by G-Force Signs & Graphics if it’s brought to our attention within 30 days of application.


Wrinkles or bubbles on a vehicle wrap CTWRINKLES & BUBBLES:
Vehicle contours, compound curves, and vinyl stretching can cause wrinkling where excess material gathers. G-Force Signs & Graphics will do its best to minimize this during the application process. Bubbles can be heated and pushed down flat.


ALIGNING TYPE:Aligning design elements on a vehicle wrap CT
Vehicle contours and vinyl stretching can cause type to be misaligned or crooked during the application process. One option G-Force Signs & Graphics provides is cutting vinyl lettering and applying it over the wrap. This option incurs additional cost in material and time.


A quality vehicle wrap, properly designed and installed using quality material, will ensure your investment in mobile marketing is maximized.

These are the top-3 things that should be high-quality:

  1. Design
  2. Materials
  3. Vehicle Surface

Download a PDF of these guidelines. Click on VehicleWrap Guidelines

If you want to dive deeper into vehicle wraps, we suggest reading the following articles.

Doing Vehicle Wraps Right
Why Wrap Your Vehicle?
5 Elements of a Quality Vehicle Wrap
Vehicle Wrap Ideas – Help jumpstart ideas for your next project!

free quote is always available! Call, email or submit our Free Quote Form.  860.787.5338 / [email protected]